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Financial Terms

Acronyms . ABA number . abatement . above par . absentee landlord . absolute title . abstract of title . accelerated amortization . accelerated depreciation . acceleration clause . acceptance . access . access savings account . accommodation . accommodation check . account . accountant . account hold . accounting . accounting equation . accounts payable . accounts receivable . accrual basis accounting . accrue . accrued_expense . accrued interest . acquisition credit . acquisition development and construction (ADC) loan . acquisition discount . acquisition loan . acre . actual thrift investment percentage (ATIP) . add-on interest . adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) . adjusted basis . administrative law . administrative law judge . ad valorem taxes . advance . advance package . adverse opinion . adverse possession . affidavit . affiliated company . affiliated person . affirmative lending . Affordable Housing Program . agencies . agency basis . agency issues . agent . air lot . air rights . air space . alienate . all savers certificate . alternative mortgage instruments (ATI) . amenity . American Bankers Association (ABA) . American Council of State Savings Supervisors (ACSSS) . American Savings and Loan League . America's Community Bankers . AMMINET . . amortizing swap . annual percentage rate (APR) . annual report . annuity . apartment . appellant . appellee . Applications Tracking System (ATS) . appraisal . appraised equity capital . appreciation . appurtenance . arbitrage . are . ARM . arm's length transaction . arrears . asked price . assessed valuation . assessment . assessment rolls . assessor . asset . asset or liability management . asset turnover . assignee . assignment . assignment of rents . assignor . assisted merger . associate broker . assumable mortgage . assumption . assumption fee . ATM . attached house . attachment . attest . at the market . at the money option . attractive nuisance . audit . automated clearing house (ACH) . automated teller machine (ATM) . automatic deposit . automatic transfer service (ATS) account . average rate of return . back office . bad debt reserve . balance . balance sheet . balloon mortgage . balloon payment . Baltimore Plan . bank . Bank . bank check . bank draft . banker's acceptance . banker's bill . Banking Act of 1933 . Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) . Bank Merger Act (BMA) . bank note . Bank Protection Act of 1968 . bankruptcy . BankWire . Basel Agreement . baseline program . basic rent . basis . basis point . basket provision . bauverein . bearer bond . bearer check . bear hug . bear market . before-tax-income . belly-up . below-market_interest_rate . belvedere . benchmark . beneficiary . beneficiary statement . bequeath . bequest . berm . bid . bill check . binder . bileve . bill of credit . bill of exchange . bill of lading . bill of lading . binary . blanket . blanket mortgage loan . blighted area . block . block . blue chip stock . board foot . board of directors . board of trustees . bogus . boilerplate . bona fide . bond . bond discount . bond premium . bonus account . book entry system . bookkeeping . book value . borrower . ranch office . breach . breakeven point . brick . bricks and mortar . broker . brokered deposits . budget . buffer zone . building and loan association . building codes . building efficiency . building loan . building society . built-ins . bulge . bull market . bungalow . bureau rate . buy . buy-back agreement . buydown . buyer's market . buying hedge . buying power . buy on margin . buy-sell agreement . bylaws . cadastral_map . call . calling officer . call loans . call option . call price . call protection . call provision . call report . CAMELS . Canadian rollover mortgage . canceled check . cap . capacity . capital . capital asset . capital directive . capital expenditure . capital gain or loss . capital improvement . capitalism . capitalization . capitalization rate . capitalize . capital market . capital plan . capital stock . carrying charges . cash . cash basis accounting . cash flow . cashier's check . cash investment . cash market . cash-out merger . CashWire . caveat . caveat emptor . caveat subscriptor . caveat venditor . cease and desist order . cent . centare (ca) . certificate . certificate account . certificate of claim . . certificate of deposit (CD) . certificate of occupancy . certificate of title . certified check . certified public accountant (CPA) . certified thrift regulator (CTR) . hain . chain of title . change . change order . charge . charge account . charter . chattel . chattel mortgage . check . check credit . checking account . check truncation . Christmas Club Account . churning . circuit breaker . classified assets . classification of assets . classified loan . clearing account . clearing house . clearing member . clear title . Clifford trust . close-end_credit . closed-end mortgage . closed period . closing . closing costs . closing price . cloud on the title . club account . cluster zoning . coin . collar . collateral . collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO) . collection . commercial bank . commercial loan . commercial mortgage loan . commercial paper . commission . commitment . commitment fee . commitment letter . Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP) . commodities futures . commodity . Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) . common area . common law . common stock . Community Investment Program . community property . Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) . compensating balance . compliance exam . compliance period . compound interest . Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) . condemnation . conditional endorsement . condominium . conduit . confession of judgment . Confidential Individual Information System (CIIS) . conflict of interest . conforming loan . congregate housing . consent merger agreement . conservator . conservatorship . consideration . consignee . consignment . consignor . consolidate . consolidated obligations . consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CSMA) . consolidation . consolidation loan . consortium . constant dollars . constant payment . construction loan . consumer credit . Consumer Price Index . continuing examination file . contra . contra asset . contract . contract for deed . controller . controlling person . conventional mortgage loan . convergence . conversion . convertible . convexity . convey . conveyance . cooperative . cooperative banks . core capital . core deposits . core deposit intangibles . corner lot . corporation . corporator . corporeal_property . correspondent_bank . cosigner . cost . cost accounting . cost approach to value . cost basis . cost-effective . cost of funds . cost of funds index . cost-plus contract . counterfeit . counterparty . countersignature . coupon . coupon bond . coupon book . coupon rate . court . court of equity . covenant . covered assets . cramdown . credit . credit bureau . credit card . credit crunch . credit life insurance . creditor . credit rating . credit risk . Credit Standards Advisory Committee (CSAC) . credit_union . criticized assets . cubage . cul de sac . Culpeper Switch . currency . current ratio . current value accounting . CUSIP number . custodial gift . custodian . customer draft . daily interest account . dead load . dealer . dealer paper . debenture . debit . debit card . debt . debt capital . debtee . debt financing . debt investment . debtor . debt service . debt service constant . decedent . declaration of condominium ownership . declining balance . declining balance depreciation method . decree of foreclosure and sale . dedication . deed . deed given to secure a debt . deed in lieu of foreclosure . deed of trust . deed restriction . de facto . defalcation . default . defeasance clause . deferred expense . deferred income . deficiency judgment . deficit . deflation . defunct . de jure . de-leveraged bonds . delinquency . delinquent loan . delinquency rate . delivery . demand deposit account . demand note . denomination . de novo . density . deposit . depositary . deposition . depositor . depository . depository institution . Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee (DIDC) . depreciation . depressed mortgage . derivative mortgage product . detached house . developer . development loan . DIDC . differential . dime . direct deposit . direct investment . director . directorate . directors' and officers (D&O) insurance . direct placement . direct reduction mortgage . disburse . disbursement . disclosure statements . discount . discount brokerage . discount certificates . discount loan . discount notes . discount point . discount rate . discount window . discretionary income . dishonored check . disintermediation . displacement . disposable income . dispossess . District Bank . diversification . divestiture . divided interest . dividend . docket number . document . documentary stamp . dollar . dollar bond . dollar reverse repurchase agreement . domicile . donee . donor . dormant account . double-decker thrift . double entry . doubtful . dough . dower . Dow Jones Industrial Average . down and out . down payment . draft . drawee . drawer . draw . drive-in window . dual-banking system . dual index note . due bill . due care . due date . due diligence . due-on-sale clause . dun . duplex . Dutch auction . dwelling_unit . earned income . earnest money . earning assets . earnings . earnings-based_accounts . earnings per share . easement . econometric model . EDS . economic depreciation . economic life . economic rent . economics . Edge Act corporation . education loan . effective rate . efficiency apartment . egress . ekistics . electronic funds transfer systems (EFTS) . elevation drawing . eminent domain . employee stock option plan (ESOP) . encroachment . encumber . encumbrance . end loan . endorse . endorsee . endorsement . endorser . equitable mortgage . equitable right of redemption . equity . equity capital . equity investment . equity loan . equity multiplier . errors and omissions insurance . escalator clause . escheat . escrow . escrow account . escrow agent . escrow closing . . estate . estate tax . estoppel . estoppel certificate . et tuxor . Eurobond . Eurodollars . eviction . Exam Council . examination . examination data system (EDS) . examiner . exception . excess loan servicing . exchange . exclusive listing . exclusive right to sell . exculpatory clause . executor . executrix . exercise price . expenses . expire . ex-post facto law . expropriation . extended coverage endorsement . facade easement . face value . factoring . FADA . fair lending practices regulations . fair market value . fair value . falling market . fall-out . family . Fannie Mae . Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) . FASB . FDIC . feasibility study . federal agency issues . Federal Asset Disposition Association (FADA) . federal association . federal compliance regulator (FCR) . Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) . Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) . federal funds . Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) . Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) . Federal Home Loan Bank Board Memorandum . Federal Home Loan Bank System . Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) . Federal Housing Administration (FHA) . Federal Housing Finance Board (FHFB) . federal information systems regulator (FISR) . Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) . Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) . Federal Register . federal reserve note . Federal Reserve System . Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) . federal savings association . federal thrift regulator (FTR) . federally chartered association . Fedwire . fee . fee simple estate . fee tail . FDIC . FHA . FHA loan . FHLB . FHLBB . FHLMC . fidelity bond . fiduciary . fiduciary account . FIFO . finance charges . finance subsidiary . Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) . Financial Criminal Enforcement Network (FinCEN) . financial futures . financial institution . Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) . Financial Institutions Regulatory Agencies Criminal Referral and Enforcement System (FIRACRES) . financial instrument . financial intermediary . financing statement . financial statements . finder's fee . fire wall . firm commitment . first mortgage . fiscal year . fixed annuity . fixed assets . fixed income investment . fixed rate mortgage . fixture . fixturing period . flag lot . flat . flat rental . flexible payment mortgage . flips . float . floater . floating interest rate . floating rate bond . flood plain . floor . floor area ratio . floor limit . floor plan . floor planning loan . FmHA . FNMA . forbearance . foreclosure . foreign exchange rate . forfeiture . forward commitment . forward delivery . fourplex . franchise . Freddie Mac . freehold . frontage . front foot . FSLIC . FSLIC Resolution Fund . full faith and credit . fully amortizing loan . fully indexed note rate . funds . fungible . future advances clause . futures . futures market . GAAP . gain . gap . gap financing . gap management . garnishment . gazebo . general contractor . general and administrative expenses (G&A) . general ledger . general obligation bonds . general partner . general reserves . general valuation allowance . generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) . gentrification . gestor . Ginnie Mae . Glass-Steagall Act . GNMA . gnomes . gnomes of Zurich . GNP . going long . going short . gold fix . good faith estimate . goodwill . gore lot . Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) . government survey system . grace period . grace period provision . graduated-equity mortgage (GEM) . graduated-payment mortgage . grandfathered activities . grant . grantee . grantor . greenbelt . gross . gross income . gross margin . Gross National Product (GNP) . gross operating income . gross savings . gross savings . ground lease . ground rent . growing equity mortgage . growth stock . guarantee . guaranteed student loan . guarantor . guaranty . guardian . guardian account . habeas corpus . habendum clause . haircut . hazard insurance . hectare . hedging . hidden defect . highest and best use . high-rise . hokeys . hold . holder in due course . hold harmless clause . holding company . home . home equity loan . home improvement loan . home loan . home office . homeowners association . homeowner's insurance . Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) . homestead . homestead association . homestead estate . honor . house . household . housing . housing permit . housing start . housing stock . hypothecate . illiquid . immediate purchase contract . implied warranty . impound . impound account . imprest fund . improved real estate . improvements . inactive account . inalienable . inchoate . inchoate courtesy . inchoate dower . income . income approach to value . income beneficiary . income capital certificate (ICC) . income limits . income property . income property loan . income statement . income stock . incorporeal . incorporeal property . indebtedness . indefeasible . indemnify . indemnity . indenture . independent audit . index . index amortizing note (IANs) . indirect loan . individual account . individual minimum capital requirement (IMCR) . individual retirement account (IRA) . industrial bank . industrial revenue bond . industry condition report (ICR) . in fee . in-fill housing . infirmity . inflation . ingress . inheritance tax . initial closing . initial public offering (IPO) . injunction . inner city . insider . insolvency . insolvent . installment . installment credit . institution . institutional lender . instrument . instrumentality . insufficient funds . insured closing letter . intangible asset . Inter-American Development Bank . interest . interest credited . interest earned . interest margin . interest only (IO) . interest paid . interest rate . interest rate risk . interest rate spread . interest rate swap . interim loan . interlocking directorate . intermediation . International Bank for Reconstruction and Development . International Monetary Fund (IMF) . intestate . in the money . intrinsic value . inventory loan . inverse floater . investment . investment banker . investment company . investor . invoice . involuntary lien . IRA . irrevocable trust . issue . joint and several obligation . joint ownership . joint tenancy . joint venture . journalizing . journal voucher . judgment . judgment in rem . judgment lien . judicial foreclosure . jumbo certificate . junior mortgage . junk bonds . Keogh account . kick-out clause . labor banks . ="laissez-faire . land contract . land development loan . land flip . landlord . late charge . lease . leasehold . lease-purchase . legal entity . legal tender . lend . lending institution . lending policy . lending policy . lent . lessee . lessor . letter of credit . level payment mortgage . leverage . leverage ratio . liability . LIBOR . lien . lien holder . lien theory . lien waiver . life estate . life insurance company . LIFO . life of loan . life of loan cap . limited partnership . line of credit . link . linked financing . liquid assets . liquidation . liquidity . liquidity base . liquidity ratio . listing . litigant . litigation . loaded couponing . load fund . loan . loan application . loan application register (LAR) . loan origination . loan origination fee . loan participation . loan portfolio . loan proceeds . loan processing . loan-related assets . loan servicing . loan settlement statement . loan terms . loan-to-value ratio . loan workout . loans in process . lock box service . lock-in_period . London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) . long . long hedge . loophole certificate . loss . lot . lower of cost or market (LOCOM) . lump-sum distribution . MACRO . macroeconomics . maker . mandatory delivery . manufactured home . margin . market . marketability . marketable securities . marketable title . market data approach to value . market maker . market research . market value . market value of portfolio equity (MVPE) . mark to market . mark to the market . markup . master deed . master in chancery . master plan insurance . maturity . maturity intermediation . maturity amount . maturity mix . mechanic's lien . members . merger . merger-conversion . Merit Increase Decision System (MIDS) . metes and bounds . metropolitan statistical area (MSA) . microeconomics . military indulgence . mill . minimum gross yield . minimum servicing spread . mint . mobile home . mobile home loan . modification agreement . modular house . monetarist . monetary asset . monetary liability . money . money market . money market certificate . money market deposit account (MMDA) . money market fund . money order . money stock . M1 . M2 . M3 . monopoly . monopsony . moot . Morris plan bank . moratorium . mortgage . mortgage-backed bonds . mortgage-backed passthrough securities . mortgage banker . mortgage bond . mortgage broker . mortgage derivative . mortgage discount . mortgagee . mortgage life insurance . mortgage loan . mortgage loans outstanding . mortgage note . mortgage origination . mortgage participation . mortgage pool . mortgage portfolio . mortgage revenue bonds . mortgage servicing . mortgage servicing rights . mortgage take back . mortgagor . multifamily structure . municipal bond . muniment of title . mutual association . mutual capital certificate . mutual fund . mutual holding company . mutual savings bank . National Association of State Savings & Loan Supervisors (NASS&LS) . National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) . National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) . National Council of Community Bankers . National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) . national debt . nationwide loan . negative amortization . negative cash flow . negotiable . negotiable instrument . negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) account . Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) programs . Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation . nest egg . net . net balance . net income . net interest-earning assets . net interest income . net interest margin . net interest spread . net new savings . net operating income . net payoff . net portfolio value (NPV) . net profit . net realizable value . net rentable area . net return . net savings inflow . net worth . net worth certificate . net yield . new issue . new town . New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) . no load fund . nominal interest rate . nominee . nonamortized loan . nonassumption clause . nonaccruing loan . non-bank bank . non compos mentis . nonconforming land use . nonconforming loan . noncurrent loan . nondepository financial institution . nondisturbance clause . nonfiling insurance . noninterest expense . noninterest income . nonmortgage loan . nonoperating expenses . nonoperating income . nonpayment . nonperformance . nonperforming loan . nonrecourse loan . nonrecurring charge . nonresidential mortgage loan . no-par stock . North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) . notary public . notational voting . note . notice account . notice of commencement . notice of completion . notional principal . novation . NOW accounts . obligation . obligee . obligor . obsolescence . occupancy rate . odd lot . off-balance sheet activities . offer . offering . Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) . Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) . Office of Financial Institution Adjudication (OFIA) . Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) . offsite improvements . on account . on margin . onsite improvements . on-us checks . open-end credit . open-end investment company . open-end lease . open-end mortgage clause . open market operations . open mortgage . operating budget . operating capital . operating expenses . operating income . operating subsidiary . opportunity cost . option . option day . optional delivery . . original face . originate a loan . origination fee . outgo . out of the money . outstanding check . outstanding debt . overdraft . overdraft protection . overdue . overhead . overnight money . over the counter . overzoned . owe . owner-occupant . ownership . package provision . paper profit . par . parity . parity clause . partially amortizing loan . participation . participation certificate (PC) . participation loan . partnership . party wall . par value . passbook . passbook account . passbook loan . pass-through security . past due . past due loan . patent . pay . payables . payee . payer . payment . payoff . payoff statement . penalty clause . penny stocks . pension fund . percentage interest margin . percolation test . perfecting a title . performance bond . performance code . performing loan . period certain . period of redemption . permanent lender . permanent loan . perpetual preferred stock . personal check . personal identification number (PIN) . personal loan . personal property . pipeline . PITI . planned amortization class . planned unit development (PUD) . plat . pledged account mortgage (PAM) . pledged loan . point . Ponzi scheme . pool . portfolio . position . postal money order . posting . power of attorney . preexisting use . preauthorized payment . prefabricated housing . preferred debt . preferred stock . preliminary examination response kit (PERK) . premium . prepayment . prepayment clause . prepayment penalty . prescriptive code . present value cost . preservation of capital . price . price-level-adjusted mortgage (PLAM) . prima facie . primary dealer . primary market . prime rate . principal . principal balance . principal basis . principal office . principal only (PO) . prior lien . private enterprise . private mortgage insurance (PMI) . private placement . private sector . probate . problem institution . profit . profit and loss statement . profit center accounting . pro forma statement . program trading . progress payment . promissory note . property . property assessment . pro rata . prorate . prospectus . proxy . public sector . PUD . punch list . purchase accounting . purchase agreement . purchased credit card relationships (PCCR) . purchased mortgage servicing rights (PMSR) . purchase-money mortgage . purchase option . purchasing power . put . quadrominium . quadroplex . qualified opinion . qualified thrift investment (QTI) . qualified thrift lender (QTL) . quarter . quitclaim deed . quick take . quiet title action . quotation . quote . range bonds . rate intermediation . rate of exchange . rate of return . rate-sensitive . rating . raw land . reaffirmation agreement . real accounts . real assets . real estate . real estate investment trust (REIT) . real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC) . real estate owned (REO) . real property . Realtor . receipt . receivables . receiver . receivership . recession . reconciliation . reconveyance . recourse . recourse servicing . redacted . redeem . redemption of accounts . redevelopment . redlining . refinancing . regs . regulation . regulatory accounting practices (RAP) . regulatory bulletin . regulatory capital . regulatory plan . rehabilitation . reinstatement . reinvestment . release . remainderman . remittance . removal and prohibition (R&P) order . remuneration . renegotiable rate mortgage (RRM) . rent . reorganization . replacement cost . replevin . report of examination (ROE) . repossession . reprice . repurchase agreement (REPO) . rescission of contract . reserved account . reserves . residential . Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) . Resolution Funding Corporation (REFCORP) . resolved . restrictive covenant . retail repos . retained earnings . retirement CD . returned check . return on assets . return on average assets . return on equity . revenue . revenue bond . reverse-annuity mortgage (RAM) . reverse repurchase agreement . revocable trust . revolving credit . right of first refusal . right of foreclosure . right of rescission . right of redemption . right of survivorship . right of way . riparian . riparian rights . risk . risk-based capital . ritzy maes . roll over . rollover . round lot . routing and transit numbers . rules of the class . rule of 78s . run . safe deposit box . safety and soundness exam . sale . sale-buyback . sale-leaseback . sales . Sallie Mae . S and L . satisfaction of mortgage . save . savings . savings account . savings account loan . Savings and Community Bankers of America . savings and loan association . savings association . Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) . Savings Association Trade Executive . savings bank . savings certificate . savings flow . savings inflows . savings institution . savings liability . savings outflows. . sawbuck . scheduled items . scoping an exam . scratch . seasoned mortgage . secondary mortgage market . second mortgage . section . secured . secured loan . secured party . Securities_Act_of_1933 . Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (SEA) . Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) . securities market . securitization . security . security agreement . security deposit . security instrument . security interest . security interest in household goods . seed money . seisin . seizure . self-check . self-liquidating . seller's market . seller-servicer . selling group . selling price . selling short . senior mortgage . senior securities . serial bond . service bureau . service charge . service corporation . service life . servicing . servicing contract . setback lines . settlement . settlement costs . settlement day . settling . settlor . severally . share . shared-appreciation mortgage (SAM) . shared equity loan . shareholder . shares outstanding . shave . shelf registration . sheriff's deed . short . short covering . short_position . short-term deposits . sight draft . signature card . silver certificate . simple interest . single entry . single-family dwelling . sinking fund . site value . situs . skip . skiptracing . skip-payment clause . sky lease . slow consumer credit . slow loan . Small Business Administration (SBA) . small saver certificate . . solvent . source document . sources and uses of funds statement . special assessment . special assessment district . special mention . special series program . specie . specific valuation allowance . specification code . speculation . spendthrift provision . spin off . split . split-rate account . spot delivery . spot market . spot zoning . spousal IRA . spread . squatter . stale-dated check . Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) . standard program . standby commitment . standby letter of credit . starts . state-chartered association . statement . statement of changes in financial position . statement of condition . statement of financial accounting standards (SFAS) . statement of operations . statement savings . statute . step-up bond . stock . stock association . stockbroker . stock certificate . stock dividend . stock exchange . stockholder . stock split . stock split-down . stop payment order . story . straight-line depreciation . striking price . stripped mortgage-backed securities . structured notes . Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae) . subcontractor . subdivision . sublease . subordinated debt . subordination clause . subrogation . subscribe . subscriber . subscription . subsidiary . subsidize . substandard . suburb . sum-of-the-digits depreciation . sunset . Sunshine Act . superstructure . Super NOW account . supervised lender . supervisory agent . supervisory agreement . supervisory conversion . supervisory goodwill . supervisory merger . surcharge . surety bond . surplus . survey . survey of savings capital . swap . sweat equity . sweep . syndicate . syndicated loan . takedown . takeout commitment . takeout loan . tandem plan . tangible assets . tangible capital . tangible equity . tangible net worth . targeted examination . tax abatement . taxable year . tax deed . tax-deferred annuity . tax-deferred income . tax-deferred investment . tax escalation clause . tax-exempt . tax lien . tax participation clause . tax sale . tax-sheltered income . tax sheltering . tax stop clause . teaser rate . teller . teller's check . tenancy . tenancy at will . tenancy by the entirety . tenancy in common . tenant . tender offer . term . term deposit . term loan . term mortgage . terms . testament . testamentary account . testate . testator . testatrix . three-flat . thrift . Thrift Administration Review Program (TARP) . thrift bulletin . Thrift Depositor Protection Oversight Board (TDPOB) . thrift financial report (TFR) . thrift industry . Thrift Information Exchange System (TIES) . thrift institution . tick . tier 1 capital . tier 1 risk-based capital ratio . Time Activity Reporting System (TARS) . time deposit . time sharing . title . title binder . title company . title defect . title insurance . title report . title search . torrens system . tort . tortfeasor . Totten trust account . town house . township . tract . tract house . trade . trade date . trader . trading account . tranche . transaction . transaction account . transfer agent . transfer and stamp taxes . transit number . traveler's check . Treasury bill (T-bill) . Treasury bond . Treasury certificate . Treasury note . Treasury securities . treasury stock . tri-party agreement . triplex . truncation . trust . trust account . trust agreement . trust deed . trustee . trust fund . trust indenture . trustor . Truth-In-Lending . turnkey project . uncollected funds . underwater loan . underwrite . undivided interest . unearned income . unearned interest . unencumbered property . Uniform Commercial Code . Uniform Gift to Minors Act . uniform settlement statement . Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) . Uniform Thrift Performance Report (UTPR) . unimproved land . United States League of Savings Institutions . unlisted security . unrealized profits . unsecured credit . unsecured debt . urban area . urban renewal . usury . VA . vacancy_factor . vacancy_rate . validation . valuation . valuation allowance . valuation reserve . value . variable rate certificate . variable rate mortgage . variance . vault . velocity . vend . vendee . vendor . vendor's lien . venue . vest . vested interest . Veterans Administration (VA) . voluntary association account . voluntary conveyance . voting stock . voucher . voucher check . voucher payment plan . wage . wage assignment . wage garnishment . waiver . waiver of exemption . warehousing . warehouse loan . warrant . warranty . warranty deed . water table . way . wealth . when issued . white elephant . whole loan . will . windfall profit . wire transfer . withdrawal . withdrawal form . withdrawal penalty . withdrawal ratio . withdrawal value . with full recourse . without recourse . with partial recourse . working capital . workout agreement . worth . wraparound mortgage . writ . write-off . yard . yield . yield curve . yield to maturity . zero-coupon_bond . zoning . zoning code or law or ordinance

About the author

Mark McCracken

Author: Mark McCracken is a corporate trainer and author living in Higashi Osaka, Japan. He is the author of thousands of online articles as well as the Business English textbook, "25 Business Skills in English".

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